Hello. If you’ve reached this page then you probably need help with Mailchimp.
If so, I have over 13 years’ experience with Mailchimp and am an official fully certified Mailchimp Expert Pro Partner ranked #1 in the UK and in the top 10 globally.
I was also on Mailchimp’s global Customer Advisory Board for 2023 - part of a small team of 6 other experts from around the world invited to work directly with Mailchimp’s leaders and decision makers to help shape their strategy and products.
Not only does that mean I know Mailchimp inside out, it also means I have dedicated support and a fast in-road to the right people at Mailchimp.
And because I’m also a business consultant with over 20 years’ of running and advising businesses of all shapes and sizes, you automatically get all that experience and knowledge into the mix when we work together, together with lots of technical knowledge about various website platforms, SEO and blogging.
What sort of help would you like?
Need some Mailchimp training?
Or got a problem (or 10!) in Mailchimp that you just can’t figure out or are wasting too much time on?
Want to get it right from the outset?
Level up your Mailchimp?
Make the most of integrations?
Sort out your messy audiences, tags and segments?
Improve signup and data collection on your website?
Make the most automations?
New templates?
Working to budget and want to spread the cost?
Take Mailchimp to the next level at a slower pace?
Have ad hoc support as and when you need it?
Need Mailchimp taken off your hands as much as possible?
Want your newsletters planned, prepared, tested, assessed, analysed and managed for you?
Or want help with your strategy and the basics to get you started?
What do these things mean for you and your business?
Firstly, it shows that I’m fully certified and have worked with a significant number of different businesses on all levels of Mailchimp accounts, from free to the various enhanced features of the different paid plans.
As of today, I’m ranked 7th out of 874 partners worldwide on Mailchimp’s Trusted Advisory directory.
It also means:
I get exclusive training only available to partners
I have dedicated, fast track 24/7 support from Mailchimp for me and my clients
I get to test out and feedback on new features in Mailchimp
I get advance notice of new features and developments
I’m fully certified in all areas of Mailchimp.
All of that means I know Mailchimp and email marketing inside-out and am fully up to date, which means you can benefit from that knowledge and experience.
You can find me on the first page of Mailchimp’s global expert directory.
Throughout 2023 I was a member of a small (16 of us) global team of customers and partners who are leading the way with Mailchimp.
It was an 12 month role and by invitation only.
We met quarterly with Mailchimp’s senior leadership team in Atlanta to learn about product and service developments and plans, ask questions, share ideas and give our feedback as independent experts “on the front line”.
It was a a truly inspiring experience - I got to know what’s happening and forge strong relationships with people throughout Mailchimp - super helpful when you have a question!
You get to work with a consistent person (i.e. me) who is the actual Mailchimp Pro Partner with all the knowledge and experience, instead of someone else in the organisation who the work is passed on to.
I will get to know you and your organisation super-well, meaning that I can help you more.
My capacity is limited and that means I am not going to shape my services around you needing to carry on using (and paying for) my time.
It is typically in both your and my interests that you understand how things work and feel able to manage your own email marketing and account. It might be that I train your internal team, freelance VA or marketing agency - I’m happy to be flexible and do what is needed. I’m always available for follow-on support and help, but if I do my job properly, you shouldn’t need my help on an indefinite and regular basis.
From 2009 I ran a large business networking community and training organisation for 13 years until I sold it at the end of 2022.
This means that I am EXTREMELY well-connected and personally know a super-talented, trusted and knowledgeable person for just about every skill or specialism you’ll ever need.
For 10 years I was a management consultant for a leading global firm specialising in employee health, wellbeing, absence management and related insurances and trusts.
I was co-owner of a business school and ran training courses in a wide range of business aspects.
For 13 years I ran a business networking organisation. In addition to having experience of running a membership organisation and events, it also means I’ve had 1-2 training sessions every month on all aspects of running a business, tools, systems and apps through that period too.
For 14 years I’ve had a small creative side-line business with the unique challenges that go hand-in-hand with it.
All that knowledge and experience comes in incredibly helpful on a very regular basis in my consulting work as Mailchimp shouldn’t be something that works in isolation - it’s just one of the systems that’s part of your overall business.
Many moons ago I went to art college and then did a degree in Arabic & Islamic studies. That led to a very small creative sideline (hobby) business called Qalbi creating Arabic art and gifts.
What does that mean for you? Well…
I’m creative with a very good eye for design and detail - great when it comes to designing templates)
I have strong language and communication skills - great when it comes to writing copy.