Mailchimp Tip: Why and how to archive your unsubscribers in using the new format “All contacts” screen

Mailchimp has been changing things around yet again. If the display of your “All contacts” page is not looking and behaving differently yet, it will do very soon.

You’ve probably (hopefully) heard me banging on about archiving your unsubscribers before. If we ever worked together in any way then you definitely will have done.

Why is this important?

Unsubscribers are people who have clicked “unsubscribe” and withdrawn their consent to receive your marketing emails. Once they have done this, they automatically won’t be included in any email campaigns you send. BUT they are still counted towards your total audience size for the purposes of billing. And if you don’t keep on top of them, they can cost you a LOT of unnecessary money.

That’s why you need to unsubscribe them regularly.

So this video shows you how to archive unsubscribers using the new layout. Contact me if you have any questions or need help.



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